Enabling the B0-based remote API - client side

BlueZero is deprecated. We highly recommend using the ZeroMQ remote API instead.

All units going to, or coming from the API are in meters, kilograms, seconds and radians or a combination of those (unless otherwise explicitly indicated).

C++ client

To use the B0-based remote API functionality in your C++ application, just include following files in your project:

  • programming/remoteApiBindings/b0Based/cpp/b0RemoteApi.h
  • programming/remoteApiBindings/b0Based/cpp/b0RemoteApi.cpp
  • include the path to programming/remoteApiBindings/b0Based/cpp/msgpack-c/include
  • include the path to programming/blueZero/include/b0/bindings
  • link the blueZero library (e.g. b0.dll), and do not forget that the blueZero library itself has dependencies (e.g. libzmq, boost_chrono, boost_system, boost_thread, etc.).
  • Have a look at the programming/remoteApiBindings/b0Based/cpp/simpleTest project files, and the corresponding demo scene B0-basedRemoteApiDemo.ttt, for additional details.

    This page lists and describes all supported C++ B0-based remote API functions. CoppeliaSim remote API functions can easily be recognized from their "simx"-prefix.

    Python client

    To use the B0-based remote API functionality in your Python script, you will need following:

  • install MessagePack for Python: pip install msgpack
  • programming/remoteApiBindings/b0Based/python/b0RemoteApi.py
  • programming/remoteApiBindings/b0Based/python/b0.py
  • the blueZero library (e.g. b0.dll), and do not forget that the blueZero library itself has dependencies (e.g. libzmq, boost_chrono, boost_system, boost_thread, etc.).
  • Have a look at the programming/remoteApiBindings/b0Based/python/simpleTest.py program, and the corresponding demo scene B0-basedRemoteApiDemo.ttt, for additional details.

    This page lists and describes all supported Python B0-based remote API functions. CoppeliaSim remote API functions can easily be recognized from their "simx"-prefix.

    Java client

    To use the B0-based remote API functionality in your Java application, you will need following:

  • package programming/remoteApiBindings/b0Based/java/coppelia/b0RemoteApi
  • package programming/remoteApiBindings/b0Based/java/org/msgpack
  • the blueZero library (e.g. b0.dll), and do not forget that the blueZero library itself has dependencies (e.g. libzmq, boost_chrono, boost_system, boost_thread, etc.).
  • Have a look at the programming/remoteApiBindings/b0Based/java/simpleTest.java program, and the corresponding demo scene B0-basedRemoteApiDemo.ttt, for additional details.

    This page lists and describes all supported Java B0-based remote API functions. CoppeliaSim remote API functions can easily be recognized from their "simx"-prefix.

    Matlab client

    To use the B0-based remote API functionality in your Matlab program, you will need following:

  • programming/remoteApiBindings/b0Based/matlab/b0RemoteApiProto.m
  • programming/remoteApiBindings/b0Based/matlab/b0RemoteApi.m
  • folder programming/remoteApiBindings/b0Based/matlab/msgpack-matlab
  • the blueZero library (e.g. b0.dll), and do not forget that the blueZero library itself has dependencies (e.g. libzmq, boost_chrono, boost_system, boost_thread, etc.).
  • Have a look at the programming/remoteApiBindings/b0Based/matlab/simpleTest.m program, and the corresponding demo scene B0-basedRemoteApiDemo.ttt, for additional details.

    This page lists and describes all supported Matlab B0-based remote API functions. CoppeliaSim remote API functions can easily be recognized from their "simx"-prefix.

    Lua client

    To use the B0-based remote API functionality in your external Lua script (i.e. not inside of CoppeliaSim), you will need following:

  • programming/remoteApiBindings/b0Based/lua/b0RemoteApi.lua
  • folder programming/remoteApiBindings/b0Based/lua/messagePack-lua
  • the Lua binding library to BlueZero: programming/remoteApiBindings/b0Based/lua/lib/...
  • the blueZero library (e.g. b0.dll), and do not forget that the blueZero library itself has dependencies (e.g. libzmq, boost_chrono, boost_system, boost_thread, etc.).
  • Have a look at the programming/remoteApiBindings/b0Based/lua/simpleTest.lua program, and the corresponding demo scene B0-basedRemoteApiDemo.ttt, for additional details.

    This page lists and describes all supported Lua B0-based remote API functions. CoppeliaSim remote API functions can easily be recognized from their "simx"-prefix.