
Checks whether the vision sensor detects the indicated entity. Detection is silent (no visual feedback) compared to sim.handleVisionSensor. The vision callback functions will be called on the acquired image. Also, the visibility state of the entity is overridden if the entity is an object


list buff = sim.checkVisionSensorEx(int sensorHandle, int entityHandle, bool returnImage) bytes buff = sim.checkVisionSensorEx(int sensorHandle, int entityHandle, bool returnImage) float[] buff = sim.checkVisionSensorEx(int sensorHandle, int entityHandle, bool returnImage) buffer buff = sim.checkVisionSensorEx(int sensorHandle, int entityHandle, bool returnImage)


  • sensorHandle: handle of the vision sensor object. Can be combined with sim.handleflag_codedstring if you wish to retrieve the image or depth map coded in a string (much faster)
  • entityHandle: handle of entity to detect (object or collection), or sim.handle_all to detect all detectable objects
  • returnImage: specifies what should be returned. If true, the sensor's image buffer is returned, otherwise its depth buffer is returned

Return values

  • image or depth buffer

See also: