
Rotates a pose or transformation matrix around a random axis in space. This function, when used in combination with sim.getRotationAxis, can be used to build interpolations between poses or transformation matrices


list poseOut/matrixOut = sim.rotateAroundAxis(list poseIn/matrixIn, list axis, list axisPos, float angle) float[7]/float[12] poseOut/matrixOut = sim.rotateAroundAxis(float[7]/float[12] poseIn/matrixIn, float[3] axis, float[3] axisPos, float angle)


  • poseIn/matrixIn: the pose (array of 7 values [x y z qx qy qz qw]) or transformation matrix (array of 12 values [Vx0 Vy0 Vz0 P0 Vx1 Vy1 Vz1 P1 Vx2 Vy2 Vz2 P2]) to rotate
  • axis: the axis vector in absolute coordinates to rotate around
  • axisPos: the position of the rotation axis in absolute coordinates
  • angle: the amount of rotation to perform

Return values

  • poseOut/matrixOut: the transformed (rotated) pose (array of 7 values [x y z qx qy qz qw]) or matrix (array of 12 values [Vx0 Vy0 Vz0 P0 Vx1 Vy1 Vz1 P1 Vx2 Vy2 Vz2 P2])

See also: