
Adds a particle object that will be simulated and displayed in the scene. Particle objects are containers that hold several items (particles) of a given type. This can be used for several different applications (e.g. simulation of air/water jets)


int particleObjectHandle = sim.addParticleObject(int objectType, float size, float density, list parameters, float lifeTime, int maxItemCount, list color = None) int particleObjectHandle = sim.addParticleObject(int objectType, float size, float density, float[] parameters, float lifeTime, int maxItemCount, float[3] color = nil)


  • objectType: a particle object type combined with attributes
  • size: diameter of the particles (spheres)
  • density: density of the particles
  • parameters: an array of values, allowing to specify additional parameters. Can be None/nil. Values come in pair (an integer indicating what parameter, and a float indicating the parameter value. Following indicates the parameters:
    • 0: Bullet friction coefficient (default: 0.0)
    • 1: Bullet restitution coefficient (default: 0.0)
    • 2: ODE friction coefficient (default: 0.0)
    • 3: ODE soft ERP value (default: 0.2)
    • 4: ODE soft CFM values (default: 0.0)
    • 5: Bullet, ODE, Newton and Vortex linear drag parameter (default: 0.0). Adds a force opposite to the particle velocity (f=v*parameter)
    • 6: Bullet, ODE, Newton and Vortex quadratic drag parameter (default: 0.0). Adds a force opposite to the particle velocity (f=v*v*parameter)
    • 7: Bullet, ODE, Newton and Vortex linear drag parameter in air (z>0) if sim.particle_water was specified (default: 0.0). Adds a force opposite to the particle velocity (f=v*parameter)
    • 8: Bullet, ODE, Newton and Vortex quadratic drag parameter in air (z>0) if sim.particle_water was specified (default: 0.0). Adds a force opposite to the particle velocity (f=v*v*parameter)
    • 9: Vortex friction (default: 0.0)
    • 10: Vortex restitution (default: 0.0)
    • 11: Vortex restitution threshold (default: 0.001)
    • 12: Vortex compliance (default: 0.0)
    • 13: Vortex damping (default: 0.0)
    • 14: Vortex adhesive force (default: 0.0)
    • 15: Newton static friction (default: 0.0)
    • 16: Newton kinetic friction (default: 0.0)
    • 17: Newton restitution (default: 0.0)
    • If a parameter is not set, then its default value is used
  • lifeTime: simulation time after which the particles are destroyed. Set to 0.0 for an unlimited lifetime.
  • maxItemCount: the maximum number of particles that this object can hold
  • color: default ambient/diffuse color (pointer to 3 rgb values). Can be None/nil

Return values

  • handle of the particle object

See also: