Regular API function

simAddGhost / sim.addGhost

Description Deprecated.
int simAddGhost(int ghostGroup,int objectHandle,int options,double startTime,double endTime,const double* color)
ghostGroup: an identifier that allows grouping several ghosts
objectHandle: the handle of a shape, or the handle of a model base. Only currently visible shapes can be duplicated as ghosts.
options: bit-coded:
bit0 (1) set=the provided objectHandle is a model base, and all visible shapes in the model will be duplicated as ghosts
bit1 (2) set=the provided start- and end-times will be played-back in real-time
bit2 (4) set=preserve the original colors
bit3 (8) set=force invisible objects to appear too
bit4 (16) set=create an invisible ghost
bit5 (32) set=backface culling for the ghost (only when using custom colors)
startTime: the time at which the ghost should appear.
endTime: the time at which the ghost should disappear.
color: 12 values that represent the color of the ghost (ambient_diffuse RGB, 3 reserved values (set to zero), specular RGB and emissive RGB). Can be nullptr for default colors.
return value
-1 if operation was not successful, otherwise a ghost ID. Several ghosts might share the same ID (e.g. when a ghost was added with bit0 of options set)
int ghostId=sim.addGhost(int ghostGroup,int objectHandle,int options,float startTime,float endTime,float[12] color=nil)
Similar to the C-function counterpart
return values
Similar to the C-function counterpart