
Generates a time optimal trajectory, based on the TOPPRA library


list outP, list times = sim.generateTimeOptimalTrajectory(list path, list pathLengths, list minMaxVel, list minMaxAccel, int trajPtSamples = 1000, string boundaryCondition = 'not-a-knot', float timeout = 5) float[] outP, float[] times = sim.generateTimeOptimalTrajectory(float[] path, float[] pathLengths, float[] minMaxVel, float[] minMaxAccel, int trajPtSamples = 1000, string boundaryCondition = 'not-a-knot', float timeout = 5)


  • path: path, specified in row-major order, e.g. a path containing two 3D positions would be [x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2]
  • pathLengths: lengths of a path. Each path point should have a corresponding length value (as the distance from the path's first point, along the path). See also sim.getPathLengths.
  • minMaxVel: minimum and maximum allowed velocity, for each dimension/axis, e.g. {xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax}
  • minMaxAccel: minimum and maximum allowed acceleration, for each dimension/axis, e.g. [xmin xmax ymin ymax zmin zmax]
  • trajPtSamples: desired number of path points/configurations
  • boundaryCondition: boundary condition
  • timeout: a timeout duration

Return values

  • outP: generated path

See also: